Baillie 风力发电场

联合王国 / 风力发电 / Power plant

Baillie 风力发电场 is located near the west of Thurso in the Scottish Highlands.

  • 2013
    Entered into operation
  • 53 MW
    Installed capacity
  • 176.5、妇女
    Annual production

The 风力发电场 has been operational since 2013. The project consists of 21 turbines, each with a capacity of 2.5 MW and with a tip height of 110m. The total capacity is 52.5 MW, the equivalent of powering approximately 38,000 homes with renewable energy.

Baillie Wind Farm provides a community benefit fund worth over £130,000 per year. The initiatives that receive funding aim to create a vibrant local community, by focusing on community improvement, outdoor activities, education and sustainability.

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  • 风力发电场

    The Baillie 风力发电场

  • 风力发电场

    The Baillie 风力发电场

  • 风力发电场

    The Baillie 风力发电场

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